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Department of Visual Communication Design

Welcome to VCODE!

We encode the images of the digital technology age and produce their content. We develop effective communication strategies, combine knowledge with creativity and turn it into visual design products.

Visual communication design provides the dissemination of ideas by bringing visual arts, communication sciences, and design-oriented thinking together in a creative process. The visual communication designer constructs visual messages beyond words and images by arranging colors, textures, symbols, images, and movement. These visual messages can be informative, educational, persuasive, and entertaining.

TED University Visual Communication Design Department has a unique place in its field with its interdisciplinary perspective and curriculum in which knowledge, art, design, and technology are intertwined. It aims to educate students with a solid intellectual background who can design original and aesthetic messages and are aware of their creativity. While providing an opportunity to combine knowledge and creativity with studio lessons, it also gives a foundation for a design vision. Learning the basics of communication through theoretical courses, teaches communication processes, from the receiver and the audience to the message, to see and understand existing problems, and to solve creative problems with a solid theoretical structure. The discussion lessons provide an opportunity to evaluate the creative design products that have emerged. It also supports students' understanding of themselves and what they want to do, and the dynamics of working with the group by coming together with meetings, excursions, and activities outside the classroom.

In the age of digital technology, where traditional communication methods are replaced by developing communication technologies, the field of visual communication is growing rapidly, and the need for competent professionals is increasing. Qualified visual communication design learning is also gaining importance. If you are also interested in design and learning, if you want to create remarkable designs by combining your creativity with digital technologies, we will be happy to see you among us.


